Use CKD-EPI not MDRD for e-GFR formula
It should be used in patient that creatinine might not be the best for eGFR calculation.
Reflex from abnormal urinalysis results.
Rule out autoimmune kidney disease.
Rule out SLE.
To evaluate kidney damage.
Rule out multiple myeloma.
Rule out Goodpasture syndrome
If glucose elevated, therapy management.
Rule out hepatitis B.
Rule out hepatitis C.
Rule out HIV infection.
Use CKD-EPI not MDRD formula for e-GFR
It should be used in patient that creatinine might not be the best for eGFR calculation.
Alternative to Comprehensive Metabolic Panel.
Assist evaluation of a potential donor for kidney transplantation
Usually ordered with creatinine or renal functional panel.
Usually used as an alternative test to urine culture, or if urine culture is negative.