Medical Tests (59)
Diagnostic Testing (32)


Use CKD-EPI not MDRD for e-GFR formula


It should be used in patient that creatinine might not be the best for eGFR calculation.


Reflex from abnormal urinalysis results.



Rule out autoimmune kidney disease.


To evaluate kidney damage.


Rule out multiple myeloma.


Rule out Goodpasture syndrome


If glucose elevated, therapy management.


Rule out hepatitis B.


Rule out hepatitis C.

Other Supportive/Alternative Tests (14)


Alternative to Comprehensive Metabolic Panel.


Assist evaluation of a potential donor for kidney transplantation


Usually ordered with creatinine or renal functional panel.


Usually used as an alternative test to urine culture, or if urine culture is negative.

I12Hypertensive chronic kidney disease
I13Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease
N13Obstructive and reflux uropathy
N18Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
N18.9Chronic kidney disease, unspecified
N23Unspecified renal colic
N26Unspecified contracted kidney
N26.9Renal sclerosis, unspecified
R77Other abnormalities of plasma proteins
R94.4Abnormal results of kidney function studies
Z16Resistance to antimicrobial drugs

Additional ICD10
I12.0Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 5 chronic kidney disease or end stage renal disease
I12.9Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
I13.0Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
I13.1Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure
I13.10Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
I13.11Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 5 chronic kidney disease, or end stage renal disease
I13.2Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and with stage 5 chronic kidney disease, or end stage renal disease
N13.0Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction
N13.1Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified
N13.2Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction
N13.3Other and unspecified hydronephrosis
N13.30Unspecified hydronephrosis
N13.39Other hydronephrosis
N13.5Crossing vessel and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis
N13.70Vesicoureteral-reflux, unspecified
N13.71Vesicoureteral-reflux without reflux nephropathy
N13.72Vesicoureteral-reflux with reflux nephropathy without hydroureter
N13.721Vesicoureteral-reflux with reflux nephropathy without hydroureter, unilateral
N13.722Vesicoureteral-reflux with reflux nephropathy without hydroureter, bilateral
N13.729Vesicoureteral-reflux with reflux nephropathy without hydroureter, unspecified
N13.73Vesicoureteral-reflux with reflux nephropathy with hydroureter
N13.731Vesicoureteral-reflux with reflux nephropathy with hydroureter, unilateral
N13.732Vesicoureteral-reflux with reflux nephropathy with hydroureter, bilateral
N13.739Vesicoureteral-reflux with reflux nephropathy with hydroureter, unspecified
N13.8Other obstructive and reflux uropathy
N13.9Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified
N18.1Chronic kidney disease, stage 1
N18.2Chronic kidney disease, stage 2 (mild)
N18.3Chronic kidney disease, stage 3 (moderate)
N18.30Chronic kidney disease, stage 3 unspecified
N18.31Chronic kidney disease, stage 3a
N18.32Chronic kidney disease, stage 3b
N18.4Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 (severe)
N18.5Chronic kidney disease, stage 5
N18.6End stage renal disease
N18.9Chronic kidney disease, unspecified
N26.1Atrophy of kidney (terminal)
N26.2Page kidney
N26.9Renal sclerosis, unspecified
R77.0Abnormality of albumin
R77.1Abnormality of globulin
R77.2Abnormality of alphafetoprotein
R77.8Other specified abnormalities of plasma proteins
R77.9Abnormality of plasma protein, unspecified
Z16.1Resistance to beta lactam antibiotics
Z16.10Resistance to unspecified beta lactam antibiotics
Z16.11Resistance to penicillins
Z16.12Extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) resistance
Z16.19Resistance to other specified beta lactam antibiotics
Z16.2Resistance to other antibiotics
Z16.20Resistance to unspecified antibiotic
Z16.21Resistance to vancomycin
Z16.22Resistance to vancomycin related antibiotics
Z16.23Resistance to quinolones and fluoroquinolones
Z16.24Resistance to multiple antibiotics
Z16.29Resistance to other single specified antibiotic
Z16.3Resistance to other antimicrobial drugs
Z16.30Resistance to unspecified antimicrobial drugs
Z16.31Resistance to antiparasitic drug(s)
Z16.32Resistance to antifungal drug(s)
Z16.33Resistance to antiviral drug(s)
Z16.34Resistance to antimycobacterial drug(s)
Z16.341Resistance to single antimycobacterial drug
Z16.342Resistance to multiple antimycobacterial drugs
Z16.35Resistance to multiple antimicrobial drugs
Z16.39Resistance to other specified antimicrobial drug

709044004Chronic kidney disease